For the person who had a ferret that figured out how to work the
hook-and-eye clasp, I constructed a barrier to keep the ferrets out of the
kitchen and I use a hook and eye there, too, but they make a special kind
that has a spring closure, which would be almost (I say almost because I
never underestimate my ferrets) impossible for them to open.  Your typical
hardware store will carry these and you can just switch out the 'Hook' part
and the same eye will work.
Someday I'll remember people's names, but until I do, for the person who had
a fert who'll only eat duck soup, I think that their problem was similar to
mine when Reverend Maynard refused to drink and would only take pedialyte
out of a syringe.  If they like the attention, try to maybe just give the
fuzzy less duck soup daily and let it eat it's own food, but just in case it
isn't eating on it's own, you can still give it some duck soup and the
attention it likes.  Eventually you'll probably wean them off the stuff.
My roommate and I found out that Cosette is from a canadian breeder.  We
couldn't get the petstore to give us a specific breeder name, but I heard
that there may be some problem with Canadian ferrets, and we feel really
weird about her because we can't get any information about where she came
from.  She was supposed to be spayed and descented, but she has a heavy odor
compared to the other wingless fire bats.  Is there anything we should know
about Canadian ferrets?  What can we do to find out if she's been descented
or spayed?  I got a bit of good advice from people here, but I wondered if
anyone else had had this problem.  (we still love her, even though she
smells, but our apartment is small enough that we'd like her to smell better
if possible).
I took the ferrets out to the fire station where my dad works this weekend
and several people said "eew" about the ferrets (I never understood why),
but it led to a discussion about how they were vicious "wingless firebats."
(in jest, only) and I think the nickname has stuck for my guys.  They even
seem to like the sound of it.  (perhaps they seem tougher).
Reverend Maynard and Edie, who smell so pretty you could market their
and Cosette (the stinky wingless firebat)
[Posted in FML issue 1744]