>From:  Lisa Mancilla[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
>When we first adopted Shiva, she had black heads on her tail.  We had
>finally cleaned the tail free of the black heads but the hair hadn't grown
>back.  Thursday of last week I noticed that her tail was starting to turn
>black on the tip....
>We took her to the vet today, it appears that because of the irritation
>from the black heads, the pigmentation in the skin is now black.  I was
>promised that nothing bad will come from this and that she may never have a
>full hair tail....
Blackheads on the tail causing near-total hair loss?  That's OK, since you
(like me) live in Califullanastywardensornia it'll just make it easier to
pass her off as a RAT!  <snork!>
The horror of it is, I once actually passed Felix the little albino off as a
rat - suburban cops ain't taught much biology, methinks.  Dunno if he ever
forgave me, either <snork2>.
Seriously - Felix used to get a small number of them tail blackheads, not
enough to worry about...I wonder if clearasil or other acne meds for hoomans
might work?
Oh ya...to all the folk who correct me on Odin *not* being the one-eyed
one...well, I guess I just made a mythtake, it was a mythunderstanding, my
knowledge of Nordic pantheons was lacking and that's no mythtery.  Sorry,
Mythter Gruber sir!
Hey!  I mythed my calling!
[Posted in FML issue 1744]