Hi everyone.  I am writing in hope to educate and inform the nonbelievers
out there.  Last month I took all six of my babies to get their rabies and
distemper vaccines.  It was the third year for most of them.  Each time
before I stuck around the vet's office to make sure that no one would have a
"reaction".  I would usually stay for 30 minutes at least.  No one at the
office ever told me to stay, or warned me that something might happen.  I
just did it on my own.
This time it was different.  Once again, side effects were not discussed
with me.  Instead of my usual 30 minute wait, I only waited 15 minutes.  I
figured nothing had happened before, why should it now.  My sweetie and I
went to the gas station up the road and got in line for the car wash.  All
the kids were in their animal carrier in the back seat where I could keep an
eye on them.  I looked at Snowie and she seemed to be coughing.  I thought
great, she's having a reaction and we didn't stay.  Luckily, it was just a
cough.  But then I looked at Jacky who had been sleeping soundly.  The poor
guy had started vomiting and wretching all over.  I tried to get him out of
the carrier, and that was about when everyone else decided it was time to
have free roam of the car.  I yelled at the man behind us to move the hell
out of the way so we could get Jacky back to the vet.  MY WORST NIGHTMARE
HAD BECOME TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!
The five minute drive felt like an hour.  He continued to vomit and his
little heart was beating so fast.  I really did not think he would make it.
We got back there and I was Hysterical.  The office person just stared at me
when I said I thought my baby was having a reaction to his vaccine.  They
finally brought the vet who gave them the shots, and she gave him an
antihistamine shot.  He continued to throw up for another ten minutes after
that, mostly dry heaving.  I never realized he could keep so much food in
him.  Then the diarrhea came.  The point of this warning is, I believe the
only reason why Jacky made it through was because we went to that gas
station up the road.  Had we not, and gone straight home, he would be dead
right now.
the third year for Jacky.  PLEASE PLEASE DO THIS.  I can never forget the
look of fear this little guy had on his face.  We were lucky, someone else
might not be as fortunate.
If you are an FML browser without a ferret, and live near Chicago, you might
want to contact FAIR about adopting a ferret.  That is if you are looking to
get one.  I talked to her(Mary) at the ferret show about two weeks ago and
at that last count she had 83 ferrets there.  Most were up for adoption.  If
interested in her phone number and addintional info e-mail me.  I do not
think she adopts out to already ferret homes because of ECE.  But I could
find out.  I know with the large influx she is also in need of donations,
supplies, etc.  So if anyone wants more info on how to help contact me also.
I do not know if this part of the post is appropriate, but they're ferrets
that need help, and so I thought I'd let everyone else know.
That's all for now!
Danica in Indy, along with Frankie, Jacky (my miracle man), Frosty, Snow
Princess, Rikki, and Abbeycrombie.
[Posted in FML issue 1739]