Hey, again everyone.
Few misc. notes today...on the great cabinet debate...I've tried almost
every one of the methods mentioned over the past few days.  If you live in a
rent house or apartment, I would just like to say that the person who wrote
about the velcro was right...it works great.  (especially because the itty
bitty Edie could get right through most of the "child-proof" locks.  You can
attach the velcro either inside the cabinets or they make velcro that looks
like bandaids that you can put outside the cabinets, which seems to be a
little easier.  Just be sure to put it out of ferret-reach because I have no
doubt that my fuzzy children could figure out how to open the velcro.
Here's a question, mostly for the shelters...(kind of a frustrating story).
I've been emailing back and forth with a girl from the FML, her name is
Crista (sorry if I misspelled it).  The other day she emailed me and told me
that one of the people she did business with mentioned that they had a
ferret and it was too stinky and he wanted to get rid of it.  She knew that
while I don't live in San Antonio, I do get back there pretty often and so
she gave me his phone number.  I thought about refering him to the shelter
in San Antonio or even in Austin, but both of those have gone through ECE
(last I heard, anyway).  So I figured I knew enough ferret-loving people
that I could find a happy home for this neglected fuzzy.  The man was very
hard to get in touch with, and when I finally reached him, he said he hadn't
seen the ferret in days ("but I wouldn't have let it STARVE or anything," he
said) but that he had heard that some kids down the street caught it and a
neighbor had apparently taken it in.  I suppose that's better than the poor
thing running loose, but I don't know if the people that have it now really
wanted a pet ferret or are just taking pity on it.  I wish I could have
saved it.  Now (finally) here's the question.  If the ferret hadn't had ECE
and it had been taken to one of the shelters, would it have gotten sick
right away?  That's one of the main reasons I bypassed the shelter thing.
It seems awfully traumatic to go from abuse/neglect to the potential for
life-threatening disease.  I never thought that I would have to deal with
such a situation and I feel like I should have done more, but in the future,
I'd like to know how to handle something like this...thanks in advance.  I
know a lot of people that would have given this "too stinky" critter a great
home and I hope that the people that have him now love him.
Reverend Maynard: "Here, Edie...I'll get up on the table and throw the box
of raisins down to you.  You open 'em and split them two ways."
Edie: (snarfing raisins as fast as possible)
Cosette: "Three ways! Three ways!"
Kelly (groan)
[Posted in FML issue 1743]