To Maria De Cicco, who was looking for a ferret-knowledgable vet in NY/NJ:
I can recommend my vet, Clark Animal Hospital in Rahway, NJ.  I see Dr.
Phyllis King and Dr. Stanley Newman there.  They know a lot about ferrets,
and even had one as the office mascot for a while.  Phone: 908-388-3369.
Their prices are excellent, too.
Also, I understand that there is a REALLY, REALLY big vet. hospital right in
Manhattan.  It was profiled in a recent Smithsonian Magazine (I believe
September), and I believe it is called the Animal Medical Center.  From what
I recall, it is state of the art, and a place where many vets. get their
training.  Maybe somebody else can supply more details on this?
- Ela
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[Posted in FML issue 1768]