Our cat has the same symptoms that our ferret had in July.  The ferret bit
me Nov.21.  The ferret had to be euthanized yesteday.  Can my daughter and I
catch the ferret's disease?
We got the ferret in May from an owner who said the shots were up-to-date.
The ferret was fat and sweet, but a bit aggressive.  At least twice the
ferret fell into a deep, coma-like sleep that he could scarcely be roused
from.  In July he lost the use of his tail: it hung down and crooked to the
left.  Also in July he lost the use of his right hind leg.  The vet said the
ferret had no feeling in his tail and leg.  We thought he had suffered an
injury.  He lost bladder control, but regained it.  He ate and drank exactly
like our other ferret (Iams Kitten, Ferretvite, banana, brocolli).  In july
he weighed 1.8lbs; yesterday 1.2lbs.  He also lost the use of his right
front leg and could bearly walk.  He was jerky and often fell over and
rolled.  He dragged himself up the ramp with his front legs.  He was overly
sensitive to sounds.
When our 7-year-old housecat lost the use of his tail Tuesday night, we took
the ferret and the cat to the vet.  Wednesday.  The ferret had cateracts.
He was euthanized; the head is being tested for rabies; the body has been
sent for a necropsy.
The vet said the cat has no feeling in his tail and right leg.  The x-ray
showed no injury.  The shaved skin is free of bruising.  The cat is getting
worse hourly!  His right hind paw twitched Tuesday PM.  Today BOTH hind paws
move restlessly and uncontrollably when he is lying down.  He limps and has
trouble jumping up on the bed or a table.
I NEED HELP FAST!  I am terrified that humans can get whatever killed the
ferret.  I don't want to euthanize the cat, but time is running out.  I
don't even know if we can wait for the necropsy.  I know textbooks say cats
cant catch ferret diseases--but I see my cat deteriorating EXACTLY like my
ferret did!
My telephone is 919-542-3708; E-mail me at my friend's address.  PLEASE!
Rebekah Gunn (the mother)
My daughter is also Rebekah.
[Posted in FML issue 1768]