>From:    Andrew & Catherine and sometimes Chryss <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Snoring Ferrets and my son, the Actor
>Is any one else familiar with snoring ferrets?
We've got some ferrets that snore at times.  We haven't worried about it.
We've got other four legged critters that snore at times as well.  If it
seems to be congestion we treat the congestion.
>From:    Elizabeth Draus <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Spaying stuff
>However, I noticed when I got home (didn't check her too thoroughly at
>the vet's because she was sleeping) that her vulva is still swollen.
>It that normal?!?
Give her a week for the hormones to subside.  If its still swollen then see
the vet again.
Normally because of the threat of reactions to vaccines its being
recommended to seperate the distemper and rabies vaccinations by a week.
We've never had a reaction.  We know many people who have never had a
reaction.  But then there are those that have.  Better safe than sorry.
>From:    "Whitten, Carrie L" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Adrenal Tumor
If it was us we would try to get the surgery done.  4 years is not that old.
You might be able to find a more affordable vet though.  It would cost us
less here in Virginia.  We had surgery performed on a then about four year
old ferret almost three years ago.  If we hadn't she would have died
probably before age five.  Instead she passed away last night at very close
to seven.
>From:    Kylie Preisig <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Fleas and kits
>We currently have a litter of three week old kits, and both they and their
>mother have fleas.
You could probably wash the kits at three weeks.  We'd probably not use a
flea shampoo but with their short coats at that age tweezers would be fine.
We'd use a flea shampoo (kitten safe only) but very very very very
thouroughly rinse and rewash the belly in particular.  You don't want any
poison residue on the nipples.
>From:    Tricia I Mason <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: MF?
>I seem to see a number of posting regarding the fact that many people seem
>to be pretty down on MF.  I am very concerned about this because all three
>of my ferrets are from MF.  They also eat MF chow.
Don't worry.  Stress is far worse for you than your having Marshall Farms
>I live near Rochester, NY and I haven't had much luck finding private
>breeders.  I also did not know that MF had a bad rep when I bought my
Debbie Riccio does very small time breeding.  She hangs out here and on
another ferret list or two.  Get in touch with her and Pam Greene in the
Rochester area.  Good people.  They are in a club called Western New York
and Finger Lakes Ferret Association.  They have a shelter and happen to
be LIFE affiliated.
>What should I worry about with my critters?  Additional health concerns?
There is a concern that the early age at which your kits were altered might
(and only might) affect them later in life.  We've known many many more
healthy ferrets from Marshall than we've known unhealthy ones.
>From:  William Killian - Zen and the Art of Ferrets <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Yesterday's reponses...
>[Moderator's note: Note the top of each issue says to send to
>[log in to unmask], not to ferret-request.
Thanks for the correction.  Sorry for the error.
>Many people feel that kitten food is *not* appropriate for older ferrets
>(i.e. past 3 or 4 years of age) - perhaps others on the list will email
>or post their opinions on this as well.  BIG]
Some few (wouldn't say many) folks have you take them off kitten food for a
couple years right at 3 or 4 but go back on again later.  We don't think its
worth the bother.  It also depends on exactly which food you use.  Nutro Max
Cat for example isn't suitable while Iam's Cat is.  We prefer a case by case
examination of the individual ferret over a blanket statement regardless.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
mailto:[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1767]