>From:    Elizabeth Draus <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Spaying stuff
>Is it standard for the vet to not give the rabies vaccine on this visit?
They probably only received the distemper vaccine since you didn't
explicitely ask for the rabies vaccine as well.  The distemper vaccine is
absolutely a must.  From my observations on the FML and what I have read,
rabies vaccines appear to be more of something that can save your fuzzy from
being confiscated and put down in the event of a bite.  Having up-to-date
rabies vaccines is about the only thing that gives your fuzzy a chance if
someone gets bitten and reports it, but it doesn't guarantee it.  It is
pretty much guaranteed that the fuzzy will be put down if rabies shots
aren't current though.  Anyway, what I'm getting at is that I don't think
rabies shots are mandatory (any of the more experienced members of the FML
can correct me if I'm wrong on this), so the vet probably didn't provide it
since you didn't explicitely ask for it.  Definitely look into it though and
I would definitely get it done.
>The vet's receptionist... assured me that spaying Velvet would protect her
>from aplastic anemia (probably spelled that wrong).  However, I noticed
>when I got home her vulva is still swollen.  It that normal?!?
Yep, I went through the exact same thing with one of my little girls.
Nothing to worry about.  My vet explained to me that it would take about 2
weeks for the hormone level to drop.  Give it some time, the vulva swelling
will go down.  She should be fine.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Todd (Frosty, Snickers, Kimba, and Duchess)
[Posted in FML issue 1767]