I wrote in a while a go about my ferret, Rascal, losing fur on his back.
Well his fur is still falling out.  The second blood test and vet visit was
not good.  The blood test showed that his white blood cells were back to
normal (they were at about half of normal) but the vet feels that it is an
adrenal tumor.  She suggested that I take him in to another vet to have an
ultra sound done and then surgery (they don't do that work at her clinic).
I am having some emotional problems with the whole situation.
The vet says that the whole thing will probably cost me about $400.  I can't
afford that.  I'm having a hard enough time putting myself through college.
But it's not right or fair that Rascal die because I can't afford to pay the
vet bills.  But on the other hand, he is 4 years old.  There is nothing
saying that if he has the surgery that he will make it.  Also, because of
his age he only has (maybe) 3 more years of good life left.  What about the
fact that the tumor could come back or that it is cancer and it spreads.  I
feel terrible that his life is quite possibly hanging on the fact of, "is it
worth it?" I wish that I had the money so that none of this were an issue.
I am very attached to him (of course!) and don't want to lose him.
The vet also said that there is the option of doing nothing and letting the
tumor take its course.  She said it could be a couple of months more or
another year.  Does anyone have any input on the life span of ferrets with
these tumors?  What is it like to watch him die of it?  What are the
I still don't know what to do.  He doesn't seem to be in any pain or
discomfort.  He is still full of "#*@$&." Anyone who has any input or words
of wisdom feel free to tell me.  I need all the help I can get.
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[Posted in FML issue 1766]