Well, after Meltdown blew up with her ascites rapidly increasing in real
time today and her suddenly crashing from it she is stable again.  Her dose
is now up to 0.15ml furosemide three times a day.  If she gets worse
suddenly again she'll have to have 0.20 ml, and if she does gradually that
larger doses is the most she can have three times a day.
She was in pain during it and for a while all I could do was to hold her
upside down over my shoulder so her lungs could clear better.  Now, she is
pretty much knocked out and sleeping.
The vets have offered all sorts of support.  Well, there are really only two
other options, one for each of her problems, but there is a time when the
kindest gift is to let go because congestive heart failure is so much worse.
Please, hope for us that her bigemini takes her gently before she can have
her ascites go out of control.
Steve should be landing about now, and probably will be home in about a
half hour.
[Posted in FML issue 1764]