hello everyone haven't had a chance to read the FML to often lately (16
ferrets 2 who are afraid of the other 14 never really having much time to
play in their first home 1 cat and 1 Iguana and overtime)
Anyways we noticed that Switch our 1.5 yr old the end of his tail the hair
is missing abd he has Blackheads.  Now these seem to have popped up from no
where just last weekend we were at a "Ferret Awareness/Adoption" thing at
Pet Food Warehouse and we had Switch with us this time but his tail was
I think I vaguely remember someone else having this problem awhile ago but I
can't remember what the possible diagnosis was could someone send me an
idea?  He doesn't seem to be chewing it and doesn't seem to bother him.  One
of our other ferret has ear mites could this be ear mites in the wrong area?
I know it sounds strange but it's just an idea since our ferret with ear
mite had a bad reaction to the mites but that's another long story
Thanks Shanon and the Den of Thieves
ps The Den of Thieves isn't copyrighted now is it?  I used it as an idea for
a cage decoration at our first show and it has kind of stuck.
[Posted in FML issue 1764]