Hello Out There,
I live in Massachusetts and I'm considering opening a shelter due to the
fact that we have recently become a legit state.  I see all the pet stores
stocking up on MF ferrets for the holidays and I'm sure that it's bound to
happen after the holidays that these impulse buyers will tire of them fast.
My question is "How Do I Get Started?"
I already have a good vet down the street and I'm willing to make all the
necessary sacrifices (girlfriend, money, food etc.) I have room and time for
about twenty ferrets.  HOW DO I GET THE WORD OUT THERE?  Since I'll be the
only shelter in southern Ma.  I don't think I'll have much of a problem with
available ferrets.
The only way to get the word ouy that I know would be to tell all of you and
hopefully word of mouth would get the message across.  I'll also tell the
closest pet shops and vets around.
                           Any other ideas would be helpful,
                           E-MAIL at  [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1764]