I'd just like to share with you all my dear Mortis' first adventure outside
my room since coming to live me 1 month ago.  I decided I need a good
carrying cage for him and so thus took him with me and a friend to Wal-Mart.
He was an absolute DOLL!  I almost thought about taking him to the vet he
was so good.  I had this small red bag with a ziper top and his favorite
blanket inside and he just laid there and let me pet him and just looked
about.  My friend wanted to look in some other shops so we went and
eventually the little guy closed his eyes and curlked up and went to sleep
for a little bit insode the blanket.  It was the cutest thing.  I also took
him to the pet store where we got him so the owe\ners could see him again.
Once there we saw a 6 month old male ferret, now I know not all ferrets are
the same size but my gosh!  Mortis is at most 3 month's old, leaving him 2
months of full growth still to follow, but he's head and body dwarfed the 6
month old male.  My mortis looks like he is going to be a big guy.  *gulp*
Better bolt down anything I think he might be able to drag under the bed :)
      Tich & Mortis
[Posted in FML issue 1762]