>From:    Margaret Zick <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Mo'  Maggie's Tips
>Litter--Well, finally moved to a place that is cold enough for the stores
>to stock wood stove pellets.  If you can get them, use them! ... any tips
>on scooping?
One of the things we especially like about wood pellets is the cost is low
enough to be less careful in scooping.  Usually we take a metal scoop and
dig out the dirty corners.  Level out what remains.  With 19 though you are
probably in the situation we are with some of our pans.  Dump the mess every
couple days.  We were much more careful while we had many fewer ferrets.
Now we do it more quickly so that more ferret time is fun time and less is
work time.
If you garden you can toss the whole mess in the compost.  Another good
point in favor of the wood stove pellets as litter.
>From:    Pam Grant and STAR* Ferrets <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: fads & shelters
I'd said...
>>The shelters we consider the best in the country are not on this list very
>>much but are kept up to date mostly through us.
[Pam said]:
>Careful Bill...  ;>)
A MUCH better wording would be "Some of the shelters...aren't on the FML on
a daily basis....".  We hardly talk to all the good shelters.  We do not
intend to make ourselves out to be all knowing.
Very good post Pam.  We have to agree with everything in this posting.
There's a reason we took you for one of our mentors early on.
bill and diane killian
[Posted in FML issue 1762]