Kris - I know what you mean!  Boomer has been eating/putting on weight like
he's preparing for the Iditarod.  And the way he's going, he'll soon be
heavy enough to pull a sled!  His fur is *awfully thick* - and I don't know
about the weather in Wisconsin, but it's looking like North Dakota is in for
a long, cold, snowy winter.  Since Saturday, we've gotten 21 in of snow, and
more coming!  So I guess the ferts have the right idea!  Bongo was always
kind of scrawny, but now even she's got a super heavy-duty coat and a paunch!
Lighting - There have been a lot of posts about lighting affecting seasonal
molting, and even causing stress.  So here's my question - our two sleep a
LOT during the day.  Their room has blinds that are closed, but still let
light in.  (have to keep them closed - our apt.  is garden level, and ferts
are contraband) At night, they come out and play with us, but spend most of
their time toodling around in the back rooms, and the lights are never left
on.  Is that enough light, or not enough, or what?  Mind you, their winter
coats are growing in nicely - they both look like badgers, and they seem
pretty content to me.  Just curious, I guess.
Jokes - I sent these to Bob and he *suggested* I put them on the FML, so
here they are.
What do you call a CA F&G agent with 1/2 a brain?
What are two reasons CA F&G doesn't mind its own business?
   1. No mind
   2. No business
What is gross stupidity?
   144 CA F&G agents in one room.
What is the difference between a CA F&G agent and a catfish?
   One is a bottom-feeding scumsucker, and the other is a fish.
Tanya, Bongo ("I'm not fat, just pleasingly plump."), Boomer ("C'mon, did
you really think 4 lbs. of food would last a whole week??")
It is far better to aim for the stars and miss
 than to aim for a pile of manure and hit.
                                -Dan Clark
[Posted in FML issue 1761]