Hey all.  Recently I noticed information pertaining to questions to ask
breeders when you are looking to buy from them.  Good list, by the way.  My
question is...(and I may be naive in breeding practices) I've talked to
people who have been breeding ferrets or who have bought ferrets from a
private breeder and they all pretty much say the same thing.  You can't see
the parents of kits you are interested in buying...something about being a
"closed" operation (I'm not sure if this is the right terminology...like I
say, I really don't know much about breeding) and that you can't for some
reason see their other ferrets.  Why?  One of the major points on the list
was seeing that the parents of the kit are healthy, but I haven't found a
breeder yet that will let you do that...Can someone tell me (privately if
necessary) why they have these practices and what you can do to see the
parents of a kit.  I, too, think it important to help understand what to
expect as far as size, health, and temperment in an animal.  Thanks...I
don't mean to keep beating on the same subject, but I'm curious.
Also...I read about Jack Hanna (sp?) and his hatred of ferrets.  Gosh, I'm
glad I heard about that.  I used to watch shows and I'd see him come on from
time to time with some neat, unusual, and generally friendly animals.  How
can he not like ferrets?  If he can bring tame mountain lions onto national
tv, why can't he find something redeeming about a soft, small, loveable
animal that was perfectly sized to curl up on your chest while you watch
same said shows that he regularly appears on.  My roommate is on a project
in Columbus and it seems like everywhere is a FFZ!  (we live in Texas where
you don't have to go far in any direction to hit a FFZ)...she wants badly to
take her fert with her, but when you fly in and out every week and stay in a
hotel in a FFZ it's generally not a good idea.  What exactly will it take to
educate people beyond the general myth of "ooh, a ferret?  they bite, don't
Okay, off with the cloak of righteous indignation.  Tonight I get to pick up
my ferts from Noni and I've missed them so much!  Any answers to the breeder
question will be appreciated...I'm not questioning breeding practices if
there is a good reason for it, I really just think that the potential buyer
should have an opportunity to see what their kits come from...
Missing Reverend Maynard, Edie, and Cosette, who are only vicious to
unsuspecting stuffed animals and the shiny pillow on Katie's bed...
[Posted in FML issue 1761]