Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to add a little bit to this topic.  When I first brought Auryn
home from the pet store (to join my 4 rescue ferrets; yes, ferret math
struck when I saw a little silver mitt who looked just like my beloved
Sparky who had passed away 3 months earlier), my most docile ferret Zoom
took to dragging him around the house by his neck, ear, face (well, you get
the picture).  She would just take one look at him, grab him, pin him, and
drag him around the house.  The other guys just said "Thanks, Mom, for
bringing us a new toy", and they were happy to play with him, but Zoom would
just attack and latch on.  Now, she didn't draw any blood, but he did holler
(probably because he was scared!  I know I would have!), and she would never
let go (I always had to pull her off).  This went on for 1 week, and then I
got the idea to pour ferretone on both their necks.  Well, Zoom was so busy
licking him she forgot to bite, and that solved the problem.  Of course, she
didn't really attack him or try to kill him or anything, mostly just pin him
or subdue him.  If one ferret is trying to kill the other, this might not
work, but it is worht a try.  I tried the bitter apple with no results.
Kathleen and the 4 fuzzies (Zoom, Courtney, Tiye, and Auryn)
Missing Lucy, Norkie, and Sparky (and Mr. T who passed away last week)
[Posted in FML issue 1761]