Hello from Eden & the guys in Seattle,
Mo Maggie wrote:
>Vet Visits--take some Ferretone or raisins with you to distract the ferret
>while being examined.  I usually put a little on the exam table, show the
>ferret, who then doesn't care much what they do to the other end....
Actually, instead of bringing our own, Bill & I use this as one of our
litmus tests for new vets that claim to be ferret knowlegable.  If they
really know ferrets they'll already have a bottle af ferretone (or
equivalent) handy for just this purpose if not, we question just how much
they really know:
The icky vet we saw this summer (before switching to our current vet) had
never heard of such a thing.  She claimed she knew ferrets because she used
to work with mink.  Well mink are feisty wild critters & my boys are
pampered domestic babies, that need very different handling.  thsi was just
one of the clues that convinced us we werent going back.
Your milage may vary of course,
Eden and her 3 guys: Misha, Lemke & Bill (the human one)
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[Posted in FML issue 1761]