Mithie had some sort of an abscess on her butt so my husband took her to the
vet.  It's an anal gland!  She's not descented.  That accounts for the very
few times I smelled a stink on Mithy and Mortimer was nowhere near.  He
didn't stink and run, Mithy did it.
More importantly, her papers say she's spayed and descented.  If she's not
descented, there's a good chance she's not spayed.  Does the behavior of a
jill NOT in season differ from a sprite?  Would it be maybe a bit more
aggressive?  The vet says we should watch for signs of season in the spring,
and if she goes into heat, it means we need to have her spayed.  She only
tried to nip the vet twice.  She laughed and offered Mithie a treat in
Don't suppose there's a market for a litter of nose-biting kits?  Adorable
fuzzy alligators?  Pets for the adventurous?
I have the breeder documentation on her.  Do you suppose they'd pay to have
her spayed?  Forget descenting, unless those pesky glands get infected a
whole bunch.  :) Mortimer sprays quite a bit, and it doesn't bother me any
more.  It just reminds me of him.  Eau d' Mortie.
[Posted in FML issue 1761]