Hi all,
I just taught my LouLou to roll over.  It's soooo cute.  The thing is,
LouLou will do anything for a treat, but Casey will not.  I just rolled
LouLou over and then gave her a piece of a FerretBite.  I usually held the
treat and moved it in a circle as she rolled.  I repeated this and
eventually she started to "tip" over herself.  Now I just circle the treat
around her head (starting at her nose and then up over the top of her head)
which forces her to roll over.  It took one session to get her to do it
without forcing her and it took three sessions total to get her to roll over
by herself.  She doesn't do it on command, but she does it if I turn the
treat in a circle by her head.
Casey doesn't care so much about the treats to have anything to do with
rolling over.  She's great with the litterbox, though, so I don't mind.  The
funny thing is, while I was trying to teach her to roll over, she started
making these choking/hissing sounds and then if I didn't just GIVE her the
treat, she just ran off.  Ha!
- Adrienne
[Posted in FML issue 1760]