Alicia wrote:
>"all these ferrets from the same supplier are either evidencing symptoms of
>adrenal disease or have had to have surgery for the same?" <snip)
Hi Alicia,
My new ferret, Barney has the same tatoos you mentioned and one vet told me
it indicated he was neutered and descented (I would never have had him
descented, I personally think it is cruel and doesn't make a bit of
difference - my other male was never descented and the smell is very much
the same).  Anyway, I thank you for your post because it has helped me to
know where Barney came from and what I can do now to possibly prevent
ailments in the future.  I too maintain a healthy environment for Barney, he
drinks purified water and eats very healthy food, I would never consider
feeding him sweets (one woman lets her ferret drink coke from the can and I
had an hour long discussion with her about the ferret's health and teeth -
people just amaze me) or anything with preservatives.  I believe the early
neutering and has a lot to do with why they are having to suffer.  My last
two ferrets lived for nine and twelve years - that was three years ago,
today, as I understand it, the life span has decreased significantly.  I was
really surpised to hear this, as I assumed it would have increased.  I
imagine most most ferret breeders are similar to puppy mills.  Too bad we
have to treat our fellow creatures with such disregard for their lives.
Many prayers for your little ones,
diana, owner of Barn
[Posted in FML issue 1759]