Hi everyone.
It's been awhile since I've posted.
Greetings from the Toronto Internet Ferret Group!
TIFG group information as of Nov. 1996
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The group is an informal one, where owners/ enthusiasts located in the
Toronto area are:
  1) getting together with other owners and their ferrets periodically
     for an evening of fun, story exchanges and discussions
  2) exchanging information/ resources on various ferret topics
  3) offering help to other owners
  4) educating the public, store owners, etc. on ferrets
Stan S. and I have morphed into the administrators of the email database.
Number of email addresses on the email mailing list as of today: 23
Number of ferrets in this list that we know about: 27
 The TIFG Ferret Meet Nov. 16, 1996 Review
Well, great thanks to Stan!  We had a great time at your place on Saturday
night!  Thanks for the food, the beverages, the house to have the
get-together in, and the great toy you invented that the fuzzbottoms are
now addicted to.
I wasn't there for the complete evening, but here are some highlights of the
Judith's Cloe is an older version of our Mindy.  Kate and I were very
confused at first.  Kate caught herself wanting to say, "Here Mindy!"
Buddy, the once-upon-a-time troublesome kid, wowed everyone as to how well
behaved he's become and won quite a few hearts that night with his
lap-ferret personality.  Buddy is still looking for a permanent home right
now, so if anyone wants to know more about him, please contact me.
HOLY BIG FERRET!  One of Stan's ferrets, Mookie, weighs in over 5 lbs!  He
looked like a badger that night!  We though Kevin and Erin's Bear was the
champ.... Look out Bear, there's a Goliath ferret in the neighbourhood!
Psycho, being a wonderful example of a blaze ferret, has yet again amazed us
with his new colour scheme.  Mr. Killian, you need this dude's colours in
your ferret colour chart!  A 57 Chevy flame paint job comes to mind.
Periscope used the litterbox!  Stan was surprised to see that it was used at
all that night.  The poopinators were doing their best!
Cocoa lived up to her reputation yet again!  If there is a ferret ready for
the WWF, it's Cocoa.  Stan and I dubbed her the "ferret attitude adjuster".
If someone's out of line.... she'll fix em.  Go figure, she's one of the
smallest ferrets at the meets.
Until the next post,
Dook! Dook! Dook!
Rob and Kate Adlers, and the fuzzbutts in Toronto, Canada!
     Mindy      - (I'm the oldest, and the smartest!)
     Gabby      - (Second oldest! But I rule the apartment...)
     Lola       - (I AM a show girl! I'm the jock of the house)
     Samson     - (I'm a cat.... not to be confused with these
     Buddy      - (Dook! Don't anyone ever call me a girl again!)
[Posted in FML issue 1759]