Just a quick note to add when leaving your fuzzies with a pet-sitter.  I
always leave a list of "ferret people" the sitter can call.  Most people not
real ferret savvy may not be able to determine what is an emergency (we all
know ferrets can need to see a vet before they show "obvious" signs of
distress).  So, if they can call a ferret person first to see if they're
being "overly cautious" it may avoid tragedies.  Many people would feel more
comfortable seeking vet care if their decision is backed up by a more
knowledgable person not connected to the vet.  Many don't like to sound
silly to a person in authority but will ask a friend what they consider a
silly question.
Hope this helps someone, just one fuzzy life saved is well worth the extra
Mid-Michigan Ferrets and Rescue
"Where the Fun Starts!"
GLFA Show Registrar
[Posted in FML issue 1759]