I admit it...I have been a lurker!!  Now I suppose I shall be a poster.
Some already know me from aol.  Some from phone conversations.  I have a
question, and a comment.  The question first: What is ECE??  How do you know
if your ferret has it or is a carrier??  (Let me say here, this is for
future reference.  I don't suspect it.)
Now the comment: and this is for julianna as well, We are moving !!!
Yeah!!!  For those who have not been disgusted by this awful story, I will
share it grudgingly.
I asked my landlord before I got gracie ( that is our only ferret, a 12 week
old kit) (soon to have a brother, thanks to all that was involved in that)
if it was ok to get a ferret.  She said sure, as long as it stays in the
cage.  (what she didn't know, is what won't hurt her) (Gracie gets out often
enough) So, of course we were overjoyed!!  Well, a couple of weeks after
getting gracie...she says to me...I hope, if i have to go into your apt.,
she's put up, or i will stomp her to death...I am scared of ferrets!!  Well,
I also later found out after we filed a complaint, and was released from our
lease...that she strangled her sister's cat to death when it was little!!!!!!
So!!  You can see our joy...We have rented us a little two bedroom house out
in the country from a man we have known for a couple of years, and he adores
gracie.  It has a screened porch...someone please ,I need some
ferretproofing an empty house, suggestions.  Also some other ferretproofing
ideas for a full house.  Gracie only has the run of one room, at present.
Would like to let her have run of all of the house except utility, and
kitchen.  Supervised of course!!!  Should I glue down my nicknacks??  I
figure they'll become ferret toys if i don't...also, would like to have
cheap or free toy ideas as, they will have their own room 10 months out of
year, and their own closet.  we are in a tiny one bedroom until the 19th of
dec. so if you need to check on anything...feel free.  you can email me at
[log in to unmask] if you'd like..............
thanks, Deb, Bill and Gracie
[Posted in FML issue 1759]