Chapter 2:  The North Pole
     "Where are the Santa letters?"  A voice called from outside of the mail
bin that the girls were in.
     "Over there,"  Another voice answered, and the cart that the ferrets
were hiding in began to move towards the open door to the plane.  A gust of
extremely cold air blew into the compartment.
     "Brrrrrrr,"  Maxie said.
     "Ssshhhh!"  Rosie warned.  "Be quiet!  We don't want to get caught!"
The mail and the girls hidden within was loaded onto another truck.  After
driving for ten minutes, the truck stopped.  The girls made their way to the
top of the pile of mail and looked outside the back window.
     "Woah!"  Sammi exclaimed.  "It's Santa's house!"
     "It sure is!"  Shiva added, as she saw the immense house covered with
snow, and a large chimney spewing forth smoke.  All of the windows to this
mansion were lit from within, and many figures could be seen moving about
playfully within.  The whole place seemed to gleam with joy and happiness.
     "Move out!"  Rosie yelled, as the truck's back door flew open.
     "Dook!"  The ferrets exclaimed as they leapt into the air and knocked
aside the mailman.  They rushed to the front door to Santa's home.  Rosie
swiftly knocked repeatedly on the big door.
     "Well hello!"  A tiny, high-pitched voice came from the strange person
who appeared from within the house as the door was opened.  He wore an olive
green outfit, pointed shoes, red socks, and a pointed hat!  "We weren't
expecting any visitors...who might you little ones be?"
     "Who are you calling little?"  Shiva said, standing on her hind legs
and maintaining a level of eye-to-eye contact with the person.
     "What are you supposed to be?"  Maxie asked the small man standing in
the doorway.
     "Why, I am an elf!"  The elf answered her.
     "We're ferrets!"  Sammi stated.  "Do you live with Santa?"
     "Yes,"  The elf stated.  "I am one of Santa's helpers.  My name is Tiny.
     "Got any raisins, Tiny?"  Maxie asked.
     "Sure,"  Tiny replied.  "Would you ferrets like anything to drink?"
     "Could we please have a bowl of water, Mr. Tiny?"  Wiggles asked
     "Yes,"  Tiny answered.  "Please come in and make yourselves at home!"
     "Woah,"  Sammi said as the girls entered the main room of the house,
and what they saw they would never forget for the rest of their lives.
Elves were everywhere:  On the furniture, on the floor, on the ceiling; all
of them were working hard at wrapping presents in brightly colored packaging
with bows.  They were all singing and laughing and dancing.  The noise was
      "Want to play?"  Sammi asked one of these little people.
      "Sure,"  He answered her.
      "Okay,"  Sammi answered, running away.  "Find me if you can!"  The elf
quickly gave chase to the lightning-fast ferret girl.
      "Look's like she has found a new friend,"  Tiny said.
      "She loves to play hide-and-seek!"  Maxie stated, kissing Tiny from
head to toe.
      "Hey,"  Tiny giggled.  "That tickles..."
      "This sure seems like a fun place to live!"  Shiva declared, looking
around at the monumental amount of activity going on in wonder.
      "So,"  Tiny asked.  "What brings you all to the North Pole?"
      "We heard that Santa's reindeer are sick,"  Rosie answered.  "And we
wanted to come and help him deliver his presents."
      "Very well,"  Tiny said.  "Follow me.  He is in the bedroom with them.
He is very concerned you know.  This will be the first Christmas ever that
he won't be able to deliver presents.  We are hoping that we can deliver
them in a few days at least, when the reindeer get better."  Tiny led the
girls down a long hallway until they came to a door at the end.  He knocked
softly and said:  "Santa?  You have some visitors."
       "Come in..."  Santa called from inside the bedroom.
       (to be find out more, visit
[Posted in FML issue 1758]