Hi, I'm new here, but I saw the posting about the shrinking collar and
thought I'd answer.
I had a shriking collar problem with Loki too.  She would try to scratch it
off and would end up pulling it tight and destroying the collar.  I dont'
want to think about how many I've gone through.  After finding that a
leather collar was too rough, I started using the "chain" type necklace that
one would find on military dog tags.  You can cut it to whatever size you
want.  Loki's is pretty loose so she can get out of it if she gets stuck
against something.  And she doesn't seem to mind it at all.  And with a
metal name tag on it, she jingles without a bell.
But get a tag on her soon!  I had the same getting out without a tag
experience two summers ago.  I'd taken the collar off because it was too
small and before I could come back from work, Loki had made it down from the
attic bedroom, out of the house, and across part of campus before she
decided she wanted back inside and started pawing at someone's window!  We
were both very lucky!
chris B
and Loki
[Posted in FML issue 1758]