Hi and dooks to all!
Sherrie (Dweezil's hooman) here!  Open question needing fast response.  My
girlfriend and I are road-tripping to Las Vegas this coming weekend (23-24)
from Denver (about 12-14 hrs) I wanna take the Dweez-weasel with me...any
hints, tips, or admonishments about taking fuzzies on road trips?  I'll have
her in a well-equipped cat carrier, along with her 'mobile-home' duffel bag
(also well-equipped) and her harness and leash.  Anything else I should
know?  Let me know...I'm very excited and anxious to make her a
well-traveled fuzzdork!  Answer personally or to the FML if desired.
Sherrie Wilson
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[Posted in FML issue 1758]