Hello there, list serv denizens:
I am a prospective ferret owner, who has been browsing the WWW for a week
now, looking for information about pet ferrets.  I have subscribed to this
list serv in order to ask people there ideas/thoughts/comments re: ferret
ownership (I hate that word -- cohabitation would be better I think).
I am a 23 yr old grad student at the University of Toronto, and have thought
casually about getting a ferret for a couple of years.  I'm not sure what
made me kick that fantasy into full gear, but let's just say I am currently
_very_ interested.  I figured the best thing to do was to go to all the
sources of information I could find, so I would be sure that I would not
make a bad situation, and contribute to the rescue programs that seem to get
a lot of discussion on this group.
Anyway, this post was merely to introduce myself, let people know that I am
interested in these little beasties, and that I want to take my time, and
make a fully informed and considered plunge.  Thanks in advance for any
advice and suggestions.
Matthew Norton
"I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV, and  |Matthew Norton,U of T
 I'll attend to you, if you'll attend to me." [log in to unmask]
        -King Apparatus, _Hospital Waiting Room_|
[Posted in FML issue 1758]