Alicia K Drakiotes FMLed:
>Subject: Re: Kaytee
>We would no sooner recommend fish food to ferrets, Kaytee is a vegetarian
>based, mink diet-- why on earth would you feed it to carnivores?
This is news to me.  The guaranteed analysis of Kaytee *Ferret* food is 35%
protein and 18% fat as minimums.  The ingredients list (in order) reads:
Poultry Meal, Fish Meal, Animal Fat, Soy Flour, Kibbled Corn, etc.  Other
than being a little low in fat, it sure seems to meet the guidelines as laid
out by several of our ferret experts, and I mix it in with Iams, MF, 8'n'1,
and TF accordingly.  Kaytee and 8'n'1 are the only two brands commonly found
here in So. Cal., though the local PetSmart says it will consider more
variety as demand increases.
Am I missing something, or is this good ol' politics again?
"Who, me officer? What's a 'ferut?' *These* guys? No, they're Polish cats."
[Posted in FML issue 1758]