I need some advise from wiser mommies and daddies.
We bought a baby male silver mitt, Mac, on our honeymoon (five states
away...he loved the ride!) and we recently adopted another ferret, Weezy,
(exactly one year older than Mac, I got the ferret multiplication table
thing going here...no they are both fixed, I just love the little guys!)
from a friend who loved her very much but couldn't spend enough time with
her.  Anyways, we live in a small trailer and have three litter pans
throughout the kitchen, living room and short hallway.
Mac is very good about going IN any of the litter pans....Weezy on the other
hand knows where they are, but she WILL NOT go in them, she goes right next
to them!  She has been a member for 2 months now, so the newness has
definately worn off.  We changed litter to what she was use to and they ALL
get cleaned DAILY.  (she is a very "miss priss" and will only go in clean
litter, which I can understand!)
I have tried spraying with vinegar-water and that only works for about 15 to
20 minutes...the odor wears off and then I need to reapply.  I need
something that is more long term than that.
Any advise from past experiences would be cherished!  [log in to unmask]
Luann, Mac and Weezy
[Posted in FML issue 1757]