Hi all.  Wow, I sure had lots of FML digests waiting for me--my e-mail was
down again *sigh*.
I went into one of those calendar stores in the mall recently.  I live in MA
and am often annoyed at the lack of ferret things (gifts, cards, etc.) in
stores.  Well, this store (a seasonal one) had four kinds of ferret holiday
cards and ferret calendars (which were gone--a good sign?).  They're getting
more in.
We got two ferrets (but had to return one) from a shelter.  They came from a
bad situation before but were well cared for at the shelter.  Nietra, the
one we were able to keep, is such a love and is doing so well now.  She
really seems happy with us.  She isn't a lap ferret yet but is sometimes
content being held.  We often hold her while giving her petromalt or
ferretone so she will get used to us more.
Well, we found a fun way to give another treat.  Nietra gets her occasional
raisin (we know not to give her many) after being good.  Well, I'll put my
raisin in my lips for her to get.  I get a kiss that way.  It's cute because
sometimes she'll come up and smell my face looking for a raisin.  It's soooo
cute.  Also, when she first comes out of her cage, she looks us over for
raisins.  hehe.
She did a funny thing the other day.  Since I started working again, we
don't get to let her out during the day much.  We let her out a lot in the
afternoon and evening.  Of course weekends are fun too.  Well.... We were
playing for a really long time the other night and she put herself back in
her cage to sleep.  We had the door open for her to stay out and she chose
to go back in.  We were so surprised because she's never done that before.
I guess we had a fun playtime.  *smile*
Nietra:  "Raisins grow in mommy's mouth, I think"
[Posted in FML issue 1756]