What a day.  I decided to clean my aquariums today.  Fine no problem.  HAH!
I had Sassy Frass, Teddy, Spryte and Missy Little Foot running.  No problem,
right?  Wrong!  It was a 3 ring circus.  I have undergravel filters so I use
a gravel tube to clean the gravel.  Got my bucket and tube out and prepared
for work.  First the girls kept knocking over the bucket until I got it
wedged just right.  Started siphoning the gravel and we then decided dirty
water was a blast to play in.  After curbing their desire for the water
Sassy Frass decided the tube was hers.  It didn't matter how I held onto it
she would manage to pull the end out and send water flying all over the
place.  As soon as she got the tube pulled loose she then proceeded to dook
and dance and literally laugh at me trying to get everything all back
together.  It truly was funny.  The way she would just stand and watch me
and wait for just the right moment to grab the tube.  I had quite a puddle
on the floor by the time I was done.  When I finally did get done Sassy just
sashayed away from the bucket like a little southern belle who just got her
way.  I swear I should have named her Scarlett.  She is a very special
little gal.
Terry and the Sweet 16
[Posted in FML issue 1756]