Mike...let me say I know the situation....I have four ferts now, but when I
only had two I had just gone through surgery for a broken leg and couldn't
even walk without my crutches....boy they really had fun then...they would
steal things right in front of me and I couldn't do a thing.....but let me
say those hours of laughter really help curb all the pain I was in.  And it
made the surgery and the after effects of it go much smoother.  Hope this
helps you, I've been there and still am, at the moment I have four ferts and
can walk, but not fast, still not able to run or jump, and when they take
off with something, I just hope I can find it later.
Daysi and the Kids
       Smoky, Badit, Pixie and Ms Dixie
[Posted in FML issue 1756]