Has anyone else here had the unique experience of chasing your little
carpet-sharks around the house while not so mobile?  I had a"little" car
accident the other day and have one knee in an Ace bandage and sure as
anything Max seems to realize this and has been a holy terror since :)   He
will do anything possible to get me to chase him and it seems as though he
is stopping to laugh at me every couple of feet!
Just wait til next week...boy is he in touble then  :)
                    Demon Prince Vor
                      Mike Graham
                    _)           (_
                   _)  \         /  (_
                 _)   \\\ /\_/\ ///   (_
               _)  _____\\(O_O)//____  (_
                )_        \(oo)       _(
                 [log in to unmask]
                 [log in to unmask]
                    ========| \======
                     Beware |  \ for
                     you are(   )crunchy
                     and   (     )   go
                      well  (___)  with
[Posted in FML issue 1755]