Hi to everyone!
Day before yesterday I found the FML (we had one male ferret - Bear).
Yesterday we adopted a 7 week old baby girl - Sasha!  We're so excited
that we can hardly do anything but watch her and Bear.
Bear came to us from a family who did nothing but keeping him in his cage
and feed him.  At first he would not allow us to hold him at all, we've
gradually worked up to where we can hold him for about 5 minutes.  I
expected Bear to be excited about having a new playmate but his true
reaction totally blew me away!  Sasha was asleep (totally tuckered out from
her trip home) and we showed Bear the new baby!  His first reaction was to
start shaking violently.  I thought he was scared but maybe he was excited.
I gradually held him up to the sleeping Sasha again and he climbed right
into my husbands arms with Sasha and totally took over.  He sniffed her all
over, licked her ears and nose then settled down to sleep beside her in
Johns lap with Sasha tucked in beside him for 45 minutes.  He let us know in
no uncertain terms that this is HIS baby!  He guards her, takes her for
walks, shows her where things are....the entire trip.  I spent the majority
of last evening laughing my head off at how Bear had become and "insta-Mom".
The rest of the evening I spent taking pictures of these two together!
Hopefully I can figure out how to upload them to a site so everyone can see
I don't know if this is appropriate mail for the list but I'm so excited and
happy that I just had to share with someone who loves these little guys as
much as I do!
I'd love to hear about your guys too, I've read all the Ferret sites and
postings and look forward to more!!
Sandy, John, Bear and baby Sasha
[Posted in FML issue 1755]