I'm just writing to let everyone know that Pepita is doing reallyw ell. She
knows her name already and responds to it eagerly -- even if she's asleep
(okay -- sort-of asleep). She's a real genius, but I'm sure I'm biased. :o)
She hasn't even attempted to bite me.  Hopefully what she did to my mom was
the exception to the rule.  :o) In fact, Wednesday I received my first
kisses.  Of course, it didn't hurt that I put a dab of Ferretvite on my
finger and kept it just within licking distance.
When I let her out of the cage she always weasel wardances.  I am hoping she
will calm down enough so that I can hold her, but it's rather intimidating
when she has her mouth hanging wide open and is jumping up and down!  Does
anyone have any tips on getting her to calm down enough to be held?
Also -- another reason for writing is to ask that you all write to Petz
Store (their Catz site is http://www.catz.com ) and ask for them to make a
Ferretz program.  See, they have Catz and Dogz programs, which are programs
that allow you to have a cat or dog live on your desktop.  Wouldn't it be
loads of fun to have one with a ferret?  I mean -- they are so much more
energy, and then people in Califbanaweaselornia, people could legally own
their own ferrets in the computer!  :o) Or probably, they would ban those
too, huh?  Thinking computer petz could get together and have babies and
wipe out other computer wildlife.  :o) Anyway, I wrote and asked them to
make a new program called Ferretz after I noticed one or two other people
had written in similar comments.  Why not?  It's worth a try!  :o)
[Posted in FML issue 1754]