As the car full of ferrets being driven by Mo' Maggie entered Oklahoma, she
felt a certain peace come over her.  She had grown up in this land, she knew
it and it engulfed her in a welcoming feeling.
The noise from the farts grew quiet, Mo' Maggie assumed they were all asleep.
"Finally," she thought, "I can relax a little more and listen to some quiet
Mo' Maggie should have realized the implications of the peace. Messages from
FLO headquarters were being recieved even as she relaxed.
Captain Ollie of the Texas Militia chapter of the FLO spoke to the troops.
"Our unit has been very successful in the southeastern area of Texas.  We
have beat the FDI into submission and divided their troops.  We have pooped
and stolen to our hearts content.  But now, due to the interference of the
not so neutral human, we have a major task ahead.  She thinks she is in
control, we must re-establish our authority.  This latest transmission from
FLO headquarters has a plan that we must put into effect at the Kansas
border.  For now troops, your task is to lull the NSNH into a false sense of
With that all the ferrets nodded their agreement and laid down, feigning
[Posted in FML issue 1754]