I need some info on the following :
Sometime ago , I read a book from a vet , her name it's Wendy something,
that claims that when your ferret is shedding you could hold them ( scruff
them ) and pluck their dead hair .  ( guard hair ) She assures that it's
painless and it helps the animal not to swallow so much hair .
She does her own neutering and spaying of her ferrets .  She has 2 different
books, and has even come in the Dave Letterman show.
I have been doing this for almost 2 years , and it works .  My ferrets yawn
time and time again while I pluck away.
Of course they are used to this already , but when I first started doing
this for the first time to them at first they hissed.  Much like when I
would clean their ears with a Q tip and baby oil.
But now they don't mind at all .  I wanted to share this with all of you ,
for those of us who have experience taking care of ferrets .
It's better in a long run , they swallow less hair while they groom
themselves , and they look so white and SOFT when you are done with them .
Then you can really see the new hair in the bottom of the skin coming out .
This is only to be done when your ferret is changing coats .  When the hair
is falling in your clothes mercyless and the hair feels dry dead literally
comes off in your hands ,,, that's when you help them out .
[Posted in FML issue 1754]