Enjoyed hearig from all of you about my post of a ferret tatoo, I have't
found anything as of yet, actually I haven't looked, since I have spent my
money on ferrets I have none to spend on a tatoo.
Kelly, yes tatoos are permanent, but I have mine in locatiions that no one
can really see, their more for my satification, I have two hearts entwined
with ribbon with my and husband initials, another one is a vivid color of a
peacock, and one on my back shoulder blade is a dagger with a long stem rose
entwined around the dagger, then the last one is two hearts with a rose
running through them, I don't mind that they are permanent, and I am ever
much a lady, if done right, they are beautiful to the eye.  I am thinking of
a tatoo of a cute ferret with a michevious expression of innocense, I know
that I am looking for, but the problem of finding it, some tatoo artist will
draw up somethig for a little added charge, check out greeting cards etc,
they can scale it down of anything you think you like, a good area is the
shoulder blade.  My husband sports 11 tatoos, and I personally find them
sexy!!!!  To each their own :)
Stanley, I started getting mine after the age of 40 myself!
[Posted in FML issue 1754]