Dodie wrote about Bill Killian expressing problems with NutroMax Kitten
food.  I feed my two critters NutroMax Natural Choice Kitten food.  Any
adverse info would be greatly appreciated.  As I put in a previous posting,
I had read that corn glutton meal may be unhealthy for them.  I go to MUCH
BOTHER to obtain this food, so if it is not the best, I will switch, except
that my babies do seem to prefer this brand.  The girl has plumped up since
I have acquired her, she used to be scrawny and her fur was dull and dry.
Now she sleeps much less, has more energy, and her fur has picked up a
beatiful golden luster!  Since I live in a FFZ, and I worry about my babies'
safety, you may address personal email to me on the matter to my friend
<[log in to unmask]> who lives in another FFZ accross the country, but will
gladly forward mail to me for safety's sake.  And would someone please
convince him that ferrets are not evil biting beings?  I sent him a picture
of my boy when he was a wee tot, and the only response I got was not how
absolutely adorable the guy was, but "that thing is looking to bite me" When
I pointed him to an absolutely adorable picture on zenferret's web page (the
baby and the ferret) he said, oh yeah, the ferret is going to bite the
baby's nose!  Now my boy will bite my nose on occasion, very lightly, I
consider it a kiss.  The girl only nips when she wants attention.  That I
must add took me some time to figure out.  I thought she was just a
malicious brat.  But man does she love to be held and paid attention to!
[Posted in FML issue 1754]