Help!  I am posting for Troy Lynn (tle), who doesn't have access to her
computer at night or over the weekend.  She just returned from taking Mugsy
to the vet again and the diagnosis is lymphosarcoma.  The fluid has puddled
in his chest, pressing on the lungs.  The fluid was frothy and the doctor
said it was full of white blood cells.  Dr. Snyder aspirated about 18 cc.
from the chest and has prescribed a homeopathic regemin for Mugsy.  Troy
Lynn would appreciate hearing from anyone who has dealt with lymphosarcoma
with their own ferrets, or, especially, from any of the vets on the list.
Her email address is: [log in to unmask]  Since she is not on-line on
weekends, her telephone number is 913-456-8337.  Please call if you can
help.  If you can't, please keep Mugsy in your prayers.  He is very sick and
we don't really know what the prognosis is.
Mugsy is only about 9 months old and is the little one who came into Troy
Lynn's with ECE and passed it to everyone.  The doctor seems to think is is
possible that this is what depressed his immune system enough to make him
susceptible to the lymphosarcoma.  Any ideas about this?
Lynda, et. al.
[Posted in FML issue 1754]