Dear FML people,
Every time I post something, I can get useful or reliable answers from you,
and I truly thank you for that.
Now, a friend of mine is in trouble with her ferret.  It has been diagnose
as hernia.  Her vet said that it has been caused by looseness of the
constrictor which must be an aftereffect of an emasculating operation.
The operation to tighten the constrictor will be performed on this Saturday.
Is surgerical operation the best way in this case?  Does this often happen
to castrated ferrets?  Or does it mean that castrating operation was not
successful in its case?
Any information about similar case,personal experience, medical suggestion
will be welcomed. We have too poor info in our area.
Thank you.
Love to all of your kits!
[Posted in FML issue 1754]