Sue and I just returned from laying Lucy to rest at our friends home.  Lucy
was buried with her favorite toy in very pretty spot in the country.  We
took Lucy to the Brockport Animal Hospital last Monday to have the stitches
removed.  Dr. Edwards told Sue and I that Lucy did not show much improvement
and we would have to make a decision soon.  After returning home, Sue made
Lucy some more food and was feeding her- trying hard to once again nurse
Lucy back to health.  Within moments, Lucy died in her arms.  Lucy died from
fatty tissue in the liver.  There was really nothing more we could have done.
The Brockport Animal Hospital is letting us pay the bill off in payments,
which is a big help.  Sue and I do not mind all of the expenses.  First of
all, because Mary took Lucy home every night, the bill was only about
$275.00.  And second of all, Sue and I did all we could have done.  We will
not be asking "what if".  Sue and I will miss Lucy.  Just like we do Henrey
and Nikki.  However, we still have our Thumper and Lacey.  And I am sure we
still have more...
Jim and Sue
Thumper and Lacey
(And in merory of Lucy, Henrey, and Nikki.  They may pass but the memories
never do) !
[Posted in FML issue 1753]