I took the purpose of Dayna's post describing possible animal torture during
this season primarily to be a reminder that we should ever-vigilant and
cautious when our fuzzies are concerned.
The realities of animal abuse are certainly well known to those who operate
shelters, but the timely reminder couldn't hurt.  And for those of us only
casually involved with placing ferrets, the reminder could be a life saver,
even if such rituals are not common.
I appreciate all the comments about which groups are or are not responsible
for such things, but I think the point has been made now.  It's a little
off-topic for the list and it's time to move on to more ferret-related
things.  Sadly, the FML can't cover all we would like - it will do the most
good to our ferrets by remaining focused.
[Posted in FML issue 1722]