Oh, am I ever angry.  PLEASE.... give me that (I use the term VERY LOOSELY)
mans address!
Do we know if the poor creatures are ECE exposed?  I know you have had very
little contact with the fuzzies and so it is hard to tell.  I would be
interested in adopting one or two of the woozles..  but I need to know what
risk might be posed to Tenaka and Cayanne.  In your opinion, what is the
risk?  Can I safely adopt two fuzzies and not worry too much about mine?
That, and though I am still learning about fuzzies... do you think I could
successfully rehab someone else's cruelty?
If that is too risky, then count on my help financially, and if possible, I
would try my darndest to provide transportation for them to wherever they
need to go.
Tle..  I must once again praise the powers of your self control.  I would
have maimed that sc***ag, or at least stuffed him in the cage and given him
the same kind of treatment he gave the fuzzies... starting with the tide.
Please don't think ill of me for seeming so violent..  I really am not.  But
when I see something defenseless being mis-treated... look out!
Please let me know what you think..  if you think my fuzzy skills are up to
a rehab, and the best way to get any aid I can offer to you, to you.
HUGS,LOVE, comfort, raisins and ferretone to you and your fuzzies.  And most
assuredly, we SHALL get the above to the Forlorn Fuzzies in the "Breeder's"
place.  I agree with BIG... if only there was a way to lock HIM (not BIG..
the breeder) in the cage..  I am sure he will see the error of his ways.
Who knows?  Maybe we'd even let him out someday.
   Canonical List of Famous Last Words
   (Roleplaying : Fantasy and SF)
 Hundreds of brave characters lost their lives during thousands of
 roleplaying sessions leaving us their last words.  We'll never forget
 them.  Rest In Peace.
084-"No, I'm sure there's some stipulation that says a disintegrate spell
   won't work if the spellcaster casts it on himself.  Here, I'll prove it."
[Posted in FML issue 1709]