Hi!  I just took my fert in for vaccines today and the vet recommended a few
things that I've not necessarily heard recommended for ferrets before.
First, she told me that he needs to be on heartworm medication because one
worm could kill a ferret, considereing the size of the ferret to the size of
a heartworm.
Second, she recommended "Laxatone", which is a laxative and lubricant for
hair ball removal.  Can ferrets get hair balls like cats?
Finally, she told me that he MUST be on a ferret-food diet.  She says that
five years ago Iams (which is what I feed) was considered good enough for a
ferret, but that further research proves that it's not.  She recommended the
Marshall Farms food.  Everything I've read so far leads me to believe that
Iams does quite well with ferrets.
Just wondering what the FML group thinks about these recommendations!
[Posted in FML issue 1719]