Anon posted:
> what are the signs that you may be allergic to ferrets?
1. If the ferret's claws come into contact with your skin, you develop a
   skin reaction - usually slight - of itching and redness.
2. Sneezing. Go figure. :)
3. Sometimes, asthma.  My ferrets definitely, without question, trigger my
4. Sometimes, a direct skin reaction to a particularly oily ferret. This
   is not a problem if the ferret is kept clean by changing its bedding
Mostly the problems i have are asthma and when my ferrets climb up to perch
on my shoulders - the skin on my neck gets MILDLY irritated by their claws.
Very mildly - I keep their claws quite blunt.  My skin is easily much more
irritated by beards or mustaches.  :) When their claws are sharp, i have
serious problems, although much less so than with rats - if i get scratched
by a rat, the area is swollen all day.
[Posted in FML issue 1719]