How publicized are the coupon books?
Perhaps we should post flyers or something in local pet stores and animal
hospitals.  I've not done any research on this but I'd estimate that only 30
percent of all ferret owners have access to the Internet.  Thus, how will
they know about the fund raiser?
I also think another problem may be that people are afraid of purchasing
stuff from the Internet.  After all, something like 10 million people all
over the world have access.  So who's to say that it's not a scam?
...just some food for thought
Raisins and Doritos to all!
Happy Halloween and Dook or Treat!
....uh-oh, I just dropped my box of raisins!!!
Roger Poore
Sub-Reality Software
   specializing in entertainment software
   current project:   The Seventh Sign
for more information on Sub-Reality Software, email--
  [log in to unmask]
Ferret World, The Coolest Place on Earth!
[Moderator's note: Oh, it's not a scam, I can state with confidence.  And if
30% of ferret owners subscribed to the FML, I'd be in *big* trouble!  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1719]