Someone requested information on what snacks are okay and what ones aren't.
I hope this will help.
Foods that I have been told are okay:
* Canned cat food. Just a small bit! Give the rest to your cat.
* Cooked meat scraps
* Cooked egg scraps
* Cucumber
* Brocolli
* Banana
* Raisins
* Meat baby food (can be warmed)
* Linatone (of course!)
* Ferretone
* Melon
* Papaya
Foods that some or many people believe are unsafe:
* Milk and milk-coated foods (such as milk-coated cat food).
* Real bones of any kind (this does not imply toy bones which may be safe).
* Sugar and foods with sugar on or in them.
* Chocolate -- a definite no-no for all pets.
Treats are treats.  That may sound repetative, but it is essential to
remember.  Ferrets should not be overfed on treats, because, remember, they
are carnivores with short digestive tracts.  It is hard for them to digest
treats.  In fact, Ferretone or Linatone in excess can actually harm a
ferret.  Remember, "just a little dab'll do ya."
Treats can also be used to teach tricks.  If you reward good bahavior, the
ferret (since it is a smart animal) will associate being good with getting
something good, as will most pets in a similar situation.
Do you have any more ideas? What works for your ferret? What are his
or her favorites? Please email them to me at mailto:[log in to unmask]
M. Taylor
P.S.  I am still working on getting my own fuzzie!  I have purchased a cage
(mail order), as I said in my last posting, and have the litterbox and
hammock and a bowl.  Of course I will buy many more things before I get the
fuzzbucket.  If you know of anything a ferret simply must have or just
loves, eMail me and let me know!  Thanks.
[Moderator's note: I'm gonna bite my tongue and not say anything about the
sugar in raisins or that I think chocolate here and there is ok.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1708]