Hi Folks!
We is just flippin' and rejoicin'; bouncin' off the walls and havin' us a
good ol' time over all the nice mails we done gotted today!  You folks sure
is nice.  We even gotted some more neat stuff in our snail box today.
We ain't even got half the time to answer all the letters like they had
oughta be answered.  We barely has the time to write letters to te FML!  If
the truth was tolded, we thinks that writin' to the FML hasta come before
the writin' of other letters.  The FML is where all this leter writin' to us
got started in the firstest place.  We is glad that so many folks has done
took a liking to us and to our Paw Paw.
We didn't have no idea that the stuff we and the Old Fert writes would have
such an effect on folks.  We is just happy to find ourownselves among so
many good friends.
We has been bad sometimes and done writ some things that we hadn't shoulda
oughta.  BIG and Listserv has done putted us on a short leash so none of our
cranky stuff gets through.  We ain't got no problem with that.  We just gets
carried away sometimes with our enthusiasm.  Don't think nobody can blame us
for that!  We just gets upset when folks writes stuff that makes us mad.  If
we didn't get mad sometimes we just wouldn't be real.  It's a hard path to
walk!  We thinks that BIG is doing a great job!
Well, now.  Has we done wroted enough stuff to lull BIG and Listserv into
thinking that we is being good this time?  We sure do hope so!
We sure is tired of folks taking pot shots at each other over things that
don't really matter.  We couldn't give a Tinker's darn about some of the
things that some folks choose to fuss about.  We'd venture to say that
everybody here is entitled to have their own opinion about some things.
Ain't nobody got the definitive answer where we is concerned.  We is all
here because we is either ferrets or folks who love little guys like us.  We
don't see no problem with that.  What we DO have a problem with is the fact
that folks get so caught up in their opinions about us that we gets left out
in the cold.
We ain't naming no names.  We has been just as guilty of this practice as a
lot of folks we can think of.  We is doin' our bestest to mend our ways.  We
just hopes that this list can return to bein' a place where ferrets and
folks can ask questions and recieve answers.  A place where we can come
together and share the joys and sorrows of loving little guys like us.  A
place where we can come together in our common love for all of Creation -
ferrets in particular.  Is that too much to ask?
We'll climb down from our box of Tide now.  We just had to say what we done
said.  We feel much better now.  Paw Paw does too.
Many much loves and hugs to anybody who ain't feelin' so good tonight.
Special comforts to anyone who has lost a loved one and is lonely.  Loves
and dooks to everybody who is OK.  We loves you a whole bunch!
Tater and Odie - and Paw Paw too!
[Posted in FML issue 1718]